Sunday 22 January 2017

10 Design Workroom at Home Make You businesswomen

These days, many women who have a business and do not work as an employee in an office. By doing so they have more time for his family. But, sometimes working at home do not get too excited because of boredom. To relieve bosanmu, just change the decor workspace so that the mood for the better. Here are some of the design space as a place of work in order not to get bored and always bring a pleasant atmosphere.

Here are 10 house with the Most Unique Design in The World

Now it houses not only serve as a shelter when his rain or just a place to rest, the house functions more than that. Yes, the house could be used as an identity for the owner, so no wonder that today many people who make a house a freeform.

Certainly need more money and does little to build a house as you wish. Here are 10 houses built with unusual shapes, unique, and bizarre that will make you curious to get into it.

Reversed home. The house which was built by an architect named Daniel Czapiewski. Houses that require 114 days to make it is indeed very unique, is under the roof and terrace on top.
House Shoes. Only a rich old man was the one who could stay in the white house with the shape of these shoes. The house is located in Pennsylvania was built by Mahlon N Haines. There are three bedrooms and two bathrooms, as well as the kitchen and family room.

The dome-shaped house. This dome-shaped house is located in Auckland, New Zealand. The house that looks like a building that often appear in science-fiction movies was built by Helen 'Twink' McCabe and Noel Fuller.

Home shell. Javier Senosiain is the man behind this snail shell-shaped house. It consists of three parallel ground level, this unique house decorated with colorful glass in front of him.

Cave house. Under a land area of 8.5 hectares, a cave house measuring 300 square meters is made of concrete hidden deep inside the wine cellar is located in Australia. Took almost seven months to build this house.

Teko home. This building was originally made for wood drying. But, the next artist Ian Hunter turned it into something more useful. The house is now habitable.

House of Stone. Two-story houses built among the four large stone that is in the open field in Portugal have been built since 1974. Because of its uniqueness many tourists who want to see the situation directly in the house.

Aircraft home. The homeowner, Joanne Ussary build this plane-shaped house in Mississippi after the original house was destroyed by the ice storm.

Piano house. The building is located in China, shaped like a giant piano and the violin there in front of the glass to the entrance.

Space plane home. This house was created by Curtis King in 1973. He accidentally spend the money as much as 250 thousand dollars to build a house that is specially made for her son's.

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Maximizing Narrow Room

Sometimes quite troublesome to arrange the narrow room. To make the design suitable minimalist living room and fitted with taste we need to design special. To get around this then we need to make the living room design that is not only efficient but also aesthetically also be fit and get in on the concept of a minimalist home design overall.
Design minimalist living room to the narrow room furniture should pay attention to the size selection is used, then the concept of setting the layout can also be the paramount consideration. The above is an example of minimalist living room design drawings are designed in a small room for those of you who are hunting inspiration for your minimalist home. A few may be useful.

Interior Design Minimalist Home

This time we will discuss your minimalist interior design.I believe, you or anyone who has a desire house into a beautiful home. In particular is very important for people - people who included the "home" is more like home than in activities outside the home. Beautiful house of course is subjective, beautiful in my opinion is not necessarily beautiful as well in your eyes. But I'm sure something beautiful definitely adjacent to the name of neatness.

Well in tips this time I will invite you to make your home, especially minimalist interior you become more beautiful by the way make it presentable first. If your home neat it would be more pleasing to look at and live in. If your home is tidy it again with accesories like to add a unique, fresh and colorfull then it will be a lovely home. Okay?

Then the point neatly like?It means you could put all the components of your home's interior in a position that fit into place.It's very important, you certainly know the house - a slum near the bridge, as well as the distance between his home village narrow. Average - average (I do not mention all of) the house where they were not too concerned with elements of neatness of the house. Goods placed in any place. As a result, the house became fully impressed with the goods, crowded and its occupants were not too much at home, her children also prefer to be outside the house because the house is not a pleasant situation.

I just wanted to give you an idea of ​​how important the house immaculate for occupant comfort. I'm sure you crave a comfortable home as a shelter with family, for that if you can not afford conditioned home as a comfortable place to live then there is something wrong with the way you treat your home.


Minimalist house design is an architectural style that was becoming a trend in the metropolis. Architectural work of the building, including a minimalist home, the choices of the architectural form as a result of the culture. Not just talkative bandwagon minimalist trend is a pattern of thinking, working, and a way of life. A new perspective in viewing design as a reflection of urban way of life that is very practical, lightweight, efficient, and management simplicity.
Design Minimalist house also comes with a character more clearly (the shape and geometric space, simple), better (solid), and more strongly with the empty spaces (little ornaments and furniture). The principle is more simple, the quality of design, space, and the completion of the structure must be getting better. John Pawson is regarded as a teacher "minimalism" to bring home a minimal design lines, the atmosphere is quiet and beautiful.
However, it should be noted too minimalist would be sterile, single fine, and tend to be boring. For that we need to understand together how the development of a minimalist home base in the cultural context of our urban society.

Minimalist Home Interior Decorating Tips

Here are some tips to decorate the interior of the house, to add to our knowledge of how best to manage the interior of the house.
To decorate a minimalist home so comfortably habitable do not need to be expensive and exclusive. There are a few tricks that you can apply to your home with amazing results.
Performers decor in the Oprah Show, Nate Berkus which also has a show "Make Home Heaven" tells some easy ways to juggle home decor and minimalist design of new, unique and warm.
Enter Color Pop
List of the most important is to insert pop colors in the decor of the room. When you do not want to change the room to extremes, Berkus said as a start, try to enter the small accents on the covers, sofa cushions or hangers on the back of a couch that's worth a try.
Bring to room Natural Atmosphere

Nature creates a comfortable indoor turned out to be quite simple. You can start by storing crops in a corner directly to make a change. Alternatively, place a rug from natural fibers such as seagrass or jute, or textured linen cushions, and other organic elements to make significant changes to the decor in a minimalist home design.
Gold and Metallic colors
Placing the gold and brass accessories gives a warm atmosphere in the house. We suggest you choose not to use chrome or lacquer. Add a basic lamp, a candle, a group of metallic vase or bowl to keep the room warmer and elegant. Goods of this type are usually easy to find in an antique store.
Recycling room
You can redesign the house without having to buy anything. According to Berkus, the items around the home can add beauty to your home interior design. Recheck unique table that has been forgotten in the warehouse. By polishing with gray fresh, old table you will look modern. You can also swap your stuff with a neighbor or friend. Could be, could be exchanged your old wardrobe with a table of a friend.
Buy Furniture Online
Lastly, as the trend of shopping via internet, Berkus said obtaining furniture over the Internet can be cheaper. We could have had sufficient time to compare with a book or magazine and choose the model that you like. Provided the right to buy the goods, you will save a lot of time and effort.

Accessories Supplies In Bathroom

Was in the bathroom is a private thing, and comfort is one important thing in planning the shower. The bathroom has become a basic necessity in modern life more stylish, with planning a good design, the bathroom not only has the basic functions just like to take a shower, as well as waste water, but also a place to bathe, ornate, and prepare to go to outside the home.

In accordance with the higher level of comfort in modern life, the comfort of the bathroom into the fundamental thing for the bathroom included a room in the house that we use most often. If the bathroom combined with the master bedroom, for example, the bathroom needs a representative to be bigger. Maybe now we know the bathroom shower screen or the shower screen.

For that, the bathroom can be equipped with various accessories that will make the bathroom feel more comfortable, but it is also more aesthetically pleasing because generally the bathroom fixtures are now increasingly unsightly. Among the fixtures and bathroom accessories are always in a good bathroom is a bath (typically for traditional bathrooms), bath, closet, towel rack, a storage shelf (cabinet), soap, trash, hanger clothing, or munkgin shower screen and so on.

A good bathroom should be planned from the beginning since before construction, or to make renovations. The important part of the shower must be present, such as a shower or bath tub, or even bathroom shower screen, as well as the closet. Traditional bathroom usually has both of these facilities.

A good bathroom should also have other equipment such as shower (usually located in a box or given special area), cabinet storage objects such as hygiene kits, washtafel with glass and dressers, and other trinkets such as toilet paper holder, regulatory and water heater, soap, and so on.

Tips for choosing bathroom fixtures:

- Choose from the bathroom fixtures that fit the size of your bathroom, namely that the bathroom does not feel too cramped. When the size of the bathroom is large enough, then the selection of bathroom accessories fittings also increase.

- Select equipment and accessories to suit its function to your needs, for example, you do not need any more like a bathtub for a shower, the bathtub does not need to exist.

- Think about the safety of children and parents, for example by making the handle side of the closet, and on the bathtub because sometimes needed. There is no harm in also using sliding shower screen to add your bathroom facilities.