Sunday 1 August 2010


Seaside Savvy Quilt
Here I was sitting with a huge mug of ginger chai, nursing a sore throat and fever when I received an email from Seema of Attiser.
Seema shared a mesmerizing collection of hand-block printed linens & bedding with me and I must admit, the colours were so beautiful, it just completely lifted my spirits and I just had to feature their products on Rang Decor.
Sweet Nothings Quilt

Seema specifies that in their collection of handcrafted bedding and linens they have tried to create a unique look by combining handmade Indian block-print with country style decor and adding new contemporary colors to come up with a new, fresh, airy and bright look that can be defined as a fusion look.

They have a range of home decor products~ Bedspreads, Quilts, Table Covers, Curtains, Cushion Covers, Napkins, Placemats and even Moleskine Books

Sage Midori Table Napkins
Southern Nights Table Napkin
Sweet Nothings Table Cover
Amethyst Amore Table Cover
Seaside Savvy Cushion Cover
Amethyst Amore Cushion Covers

Attiser's mission so beautifully worded~

Kindling Passion in Color, Discovering Beauty in Imperfections
Crafting artisan-quality products, to bring unique beauty to our world.
Transforming ordinary homes with extraordinary handmade creations.
Empowering our community through fair and ethical trade.

Wooden block with intricate design
Quilting process

Do visit Attiser and pick up some handcrafted colourful beauties for your home.

(images from Attiser)

Wednesday 28 July 2010

Tranquil, Wayanad.

I was going through some old photographs from a few years ago and was hit by a huge wave of nostalgia.
We had gone to Wayanad, Kerala for a holiday during the monsoons and stayed at a beautiful home-stay called Tranquil nestled in a private coffee plantation. The lush green surroundings with meticulously maintained garden, the hospitality of the family, homemade jams & jellies, the friendly dogs and those chilly evening conversations with amazing company left us feeling completely warm and fuzzy inside.
What I wanted to share with all of you is the fantastic variety of flora & fauna (eeks, sounds too technical;-) and how the indoor and outdoor spaces blend so beautifully into each other.
Raindrops drenching the bright red petals...
There was a gurgling stream inside the plantation!
A treehouse where we spent hours reading...
Peperomia(?) Plant lovers, help me here:-)
Flowers floating in traditional Kerala Urlis and stone mortar & pestle..
Floating cabbage varieties...
Lovely stand with natural garden accessories...
The open dining area surrounded by lush greenery.
Table set for breakfast, with home-made preserves and jams:-)
Plants curling themselves around pillars & pipes...
Magical chimes on display...
Anthoriums and other exotic plants line the outer wall...

Sigh* Hope all of you liked this Monsoon getaway!

Enjoy the rains.

( Images by Arch)

Wednesday 16 June 2010

The Red River

I was introduced to The Red River , an organization based in North East India by Kakoli Das (one of the founders) a few weeks back and I loved their home and lifestyle products.

The Red River acts as a medium between the weavers from the North East and the markets, that will help them with sustainable income.

Have a look at some of their amazing collections of cushions~
These designs have been inspired by the weaving patterns of river bank settler community - the Misings (or the Miris)

Bright weaves and threadwork...
Stunning collection designed with re-purposed fabric swatches...
Varnasi-inspired bling embellishments on the cushions...

Here are their other very interesting home furnishings~

The dyeing, drying and weaving process at The Red River
Kakoli Das with the locals in Assam, India.

You can get in touch with them on their Facebook page The Red River or visit their website The Red River

( images from The Red River)

Monday 14 June 2010

Peaceful corners from lovely readers...

As promised here are some pictures of various Buddha corners sent by readers of Rang Decor.
Nina Pandya's beautiful Buddha corner...
Sun-kissed Buddha corner of Pree ...
Meena Sriram's 'Three wise men..."
Shilpa's serene Buddha...

Thanks a lot for sharing the special corners of your home with Rang Decor:-)